Volatile Organic Compounds Gas Detector(VOC Detectors)

2022-04-09 09:31:21
VOC is a volatile organic compound that has a huge impact on human health. When the VOC in the living room reaches a certain concentration, people will feel headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc. in a short period of time. In severe cases, convulsions, coma, and damage to the liver, kidneys, brain, and nervous system of the person will result in memory. Serious consequences such as decline.
VOC gas is produced in many industries, such as inks, organic solvents in the tobacco industry, glue used in footwear in the textile industry, correction fluids in the toy industry, scented toys, paints, paints, and adhesives for furniture decoration materials, Glue and paint for auto parts materials.
It is recommended to use BH-4A, BH-60, BH-90A and other types of gas detectors for VOC gas detection. It has many advantages such as good sensor performance, accurate data, strong pertinence, and easy operation. It can meet the detection needs of various scenarios. 
For detailed product information on VOC gas detectors, you can visit the following links:
BH-4A voc gas detector, available range and resolution range: 0-100ppm-0.1
BH-4A voc gas detector
BH-60 voc gas detector, available range and resolution range: 0-10ppm-0.1, 0-50ppm-1, 0-100ppm-0.1, 0-200ppm-1, 0-500ppm-1, 0-1000ppm -1, 0-2000ppm-1.
BH-60 voc gas detector
BH-90A voc gas detector, available range and resolution range: 0-10ppm-0.1, 0-50ppm-1, 0-100ppm-0.1, 0-200ppm-1, 0-500ppm-1, 0-1000ppm -1, 0-2000ppm-1.
BH-90A voc gas detector

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