Nitric Oxide Sensor

NO-S4 is a high-resolution nitric oxide sensor, 4 series size, very suitable for application in ambient air quality monitoring systems and instruments.

TAG:  Boseannitric oxide sensorNO gas detectorNO sensor


Detection Gas Nitric Oxide (NO)
Detection Range 0~20ppm
Max range 200ppm
Sensitivity (0.8±0.2)µA/ppm
Resolution 0.1ppm
Response Time(T90) ≦30S
Bias Voltage 0mV
Load Resistance 10Ω(recommended)
Repeatability <2﹪ Output value
Stability(/month) <2﹪
Output Linearity Linear
Zero drift(-20℃~40℃) ≦0.2ppm
Temperature range -20℃~50℃
Humidity range 15﹪~90﹪RH
Pressure range standard atmospheric pressure±10﹪ 
Lifespan 2 years(in air)
Tips:For more parameter information, please refer to the latest manual provided by salesman.

TAG:  Boseannitric oxide sensorNO gas detectorNO sensor

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