Phosphine Gas Detector(PH3 Detectors)
2020-07-09 17:44:21
Phosphine is a colorless, highly toxic, flammable gas used in the semiconductor industry, chemical processing, and more commonly, fumigation of grains, food and tobacco before international transportation. The gas is heavier than air, and when the metal phosphide produces phosphine gas, it often has the smell of acetylene, garlic, or rotten fish. Phosphine is highly flammable. When mixed with air, it may spontaneously ignite in the air or even explode. Inhalation of phosphine can affect the heart, respiratory system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and liver. Therefore, extreme care must be taken when using or working around phosphine.
It is recommended to use BH-90A, K-600, BH-4S and other gas detectors to detect phosphine gas. It has many advantages such as accurate monitoring data, high cost performance, and sensitive alarm, which can meet the detection needs of various scenarios. The K-600 Multi-Gas Detector is equipped with an optional suction pump that can measure phosphine levels in confined spaces (such as fumigation containers).

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